Friday, December 01, 2006

Rome, episode II

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Its Sunday, I go to the mass at “Sainte Marie Médiatrice” (a Franciscan church next to the hotel). Miguel, a dynamic Spanish student at the school and two other students are at the mass. They lend me the scriptures in French. the entering hymn is "grandiose"; I am truly in Rome!!!!
After the mass I meet some French students at breakfast.
At noon here I am at Saint Peter’s square. The pope is at his window. In his address in French he says:
« Je salue cordialement les pèlerins francophones et je les invite à accueillir avec générosité l'invitation au partage que nous adresse l'Evangile de ce dimanche. Puissiez-vous donner de votre temps, de votre disponibilité, de vous-mêmes, et non seulement de votre superflu, pour que le Règne de Dieu grandisse au milieu des hommes. Bon dimanche! Avec ma Bénédiction apostolique. Je souhaite à tous un bon dimanche et une bonne semaine. Au revoir! »

I retain from it: “May you give from your time, your presence; from your own self and not only from what is superfluous for the growing of the kingdom of God among human kind”

Into the basilica I find the Church in its entire splendor. The Canossa episode, the tomb of good pope John XXIII, may he intercede for the Church.

Time goes by rapidly, here I am with Anca, a friend of my sister, she’s Dutch. We have diner together after a long walk in Rome. She’s a very deep and joyful person.

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